design ressources

❯ 11/24/2005

Tokyo Designer's Week

❯ 11/30/2005

Serif, or Sans-Serif: that is the question..

❯ 12/07/2005

Jakob Nielsen thinks that Ajax sucks

❯ 12/07/2005

Proxy; Adobe's quarterly design magazine

❯ 12/11/2005

Anatomy of an Icon

❯ 12/13/2005

Another style repository: An overwhelming collection of ancient images

❯ 12/15/2005

CodeTree: Watch Your Code Branch Out and Grow.

❯ 12/17/2005

Free Photoshop browser templates

❯ 01/28/2006

Create Multi-Plattform high-quality 3D-Games with Mac OS X

❯ 01/28/2006

Native Gimp (read: no X11 anymore) coming to Mac OS X

❯ 05/20/2008

Blender 2.46 is out

❯ 05/29/2008

CoverFlux, a CoverFlow Motion / Final Cut Plugin

❯ 05/29/2008


❯ 06/20/2008

Mac OS X RAW Support for Sony Alpha a 300